GraphicRiver - Brush Pack Professional Volume 0 - PhotoShade 812869
This is full-functional* stylus pressure controlled brushes (*- no stamps) High-quality package will replace unsuitable standard gauss-sampled brush set. Even if you do not use brushes a lot there is a good reason to extend the default PS set with this high-quality tool. (Because it is quite possible you’ll need them in the future). These brushes makes easy to build incredibly complex gradients and create amazing effects of light and shade based on studying of high quality photographic sample images. It uses digitally synthesized samples builded on researches of the author artist-graphic R. Melentyev. Unlike other narrowly focused Brush Packs this set is important tool for every designer, and indispensable for CG Artists. Perhaps it is not so bright can be represented in the specific examples, but very useful in many tasks nessesary for designer with making volume effects, so that is serious saving time. The story of this tool continues who knows how much it will be soon, so As the author I recommend much to have this set for all users of Photoshop. Just look on this small example and answer yourself how much time will you spend with making this volume shading? Seems Not to have this one – is loosing in abilities.
Adobe CS3 + | Photoshop ABR | 13.9 Mb RAR