Ver. 2.6.0 | Adobe CS5+ | User Guide | 16.2 Mb RAR
PNG Express is an Adobe Photoshop extension that allows you to get from Design to Development the fast, precise, and repeatable way!
• Automatically slice and export your PSD to individual PNG, JPG & SVG assets with a single click.
• Creates assets for iOS, Retina, and Android densities all at once from any source resolution.
• Automatic export of Android 9-patch assets for different screen densities.
• Export scalable SVG assets from Photoshop with best-in-class SVG generation
• Add tags to names of layers or groups to define assets, or let PNG Express do it for you.
• Export multiple states & variations of assets in one go, with automatic file naming and sizing.
• Repeat any export exactly, or tweak the slicing if needed. Great for iterative workflows and team work.
• Choose output folder, sub-folders, and optional file suffix (e.g. @2x and @3x).
• Works with any layer, group, FXs, masks etc. 100% accurate exports.
• Output asset metadata and text properties to external files (XML, JSON, HTML, etc)