Sina is a strong, sturdy and self-confident serif accented face. Distinct ascenders and descenders in classical proportions ensure pleasant reading. Robust but assertively warm, it recalls and references the virtues of early classical printing types but presents a distinctly contemporary look. With its even text flow it works very well for long texts. It is also great for headlines and in larger styles. An extended, fine-tuned range of weights renders it suitable for almost every application. Sina comes in 12 styles and in OpenType format. All styles contain standard and discretionary ligatures, small caps, proportional lining figures, tabular lining figures, proportional old style figures, lining old style figures, matching currency symbols, fractions, and scientific numerals. Sina supports West European, Central and East European languages.
OTF | 12 Fonts | JPG Preview | 4.4 Mb RAR